This painting is titled Fence which is the name of a pool which elicits special memories for my host at Kedgwick Lodge on the RestigoucheRiver in New Brunswick, Canada. You can see my posts from last August about Ann’s and my fishing for Atlantic salmon there. They include videos of Atlantic salmon being caught and lots of still photos. It was a terrific week. While I had been there twice before, this time I was there to research this particular painting. The best fishing is often when there is an overcast sky and even some drizzle. That proved to be the case last summer. I don’t do many commissions these days, but this was one I just couldn’t pass up.
Eldridge Hardie’s ART OF A LIFE IN SPORT: Chronicles and images of hunting and angling from the outdoors that inspire and inform my paintings along with thoughts and information about this wonderful journey of art and sport.